
Monday, June 18, 2012

Cycle 18, CD 26 (16 DPIUI)

Maybe it was the braids that my favorite nurse-Stephanie suggested I put in my hair prior to the IUI.

Or maybe it the the monkey socks that Tracy sent me for our sock exchange last month.

Whatever the reason, it worked.

Beta #1: 53.06

I'm insanely insecure with this number as Dr. Google seems to think it is quite low. Please, please, please work this time. Oh god, please.


  1. Congrats, sending great vibes your direction!

  2. Don't listen to Dr. Google. All that matters is #2. I am sending so many positive thoughts your way... I really hope those monkey socks did the trick!!

  3. OMG!!!!! I am praying Beta #2 puts your mind completely at ease! Please stick, little bean!!

  4. Yay!! Thinking positive thoughts for you! All that matters is that second beta. I know someone who started with a 7 and is almost out of the first trimester now. Fingers crossed for you!

  5. YYEEAAHH!!!! Fingers crossed for beta #2!!!!

  6. Ahhhh! Congrats. This is a huge first step, and I have lots of appendages crossed for your next blood test. Teehee. You made me giddy!

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed! And hoping and praying too! (And I agree with everyone else...Google is a dangerous, evil place!)

  8. Wow!!! No way!!!! So happy for you :). Hope your numbers continue to grow and grow and grow,,

  9. I'm here from Trish's blog and wish I had seen this sooner. Don't worry about your number. My doctor wants to see at least 50 so I'm sure you are just fine! ;)

  10. Also here from Trish's blog. CONGRATS! Google said based on my beta I was having triplets, but it was just one baby. Bottom line every woman is different and Goggle is not always right.
